Seeking solutions in line with Security Council resolutions

United Nations Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Christopher said Tuesday that his visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps as part of his news tour to the region "aims at seeking solutions to the Western Sahara issue in line with the Security Council’s resolutions."

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Morocco "somehow responsible" for blocking negotiations with Polisario Font (Medelci) Algiers, March 10, 2011 (SPS) - The Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mourad Medelci, said in a daily national newspaper published Thursday that Morocco is "somehow responsible" for blocking the process of negotiations with the Polisario Front. The responsibility for blocking the process of negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco falls on this last one, said Medelci in an interview with the Arabic-newspaper...

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