Seeking solutions in line with Security Council resolutions

United Nations Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Christopher said Tuesday that his visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps as part of his news tour to the region "aims at seeking solutions to the Western Sahara issue in line with the Security Council’s resolutions."

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

UESARIO strongly condemns Moroccan authorities’ abuse on the Saharawi students at Casablanca University

Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), Nov 26, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi Union of Students (UESARIO) has strongly condemned the blatant abuse committed by the Moroccan occupation authorities against the Saharawi students and expelling them from study on the ground of their attachment to Saharawi people’s right to self-determination.In a statement issued Thursday, the Union underlined “when we strongly follow-up the developments on the student scene in the occupied part of our country and inside Moroccan universities, we renew our strong indignation and condemnation to such blatant abuse.”The Union called on all its components everywhere to show solidarity...

Polisario Front hopes a positive role from Spain with the new government

Algiers, Nov 26, 2011 (SPS) - The Polisario Front’s Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Ahmed Boukhari, expressed Thursday his hope that electing a new government in Spain “would open a new page of relations with the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic.”In an interview with Algeria’s International Radio, Mr. Boukhari wished that the election of a new government in Spain under the leadership of the Popular Party (right) “will open the door towards a new positive role played by this country.”He said “there is a new opportunity for such change on the Spanish political arena,” adding “I suppose this role will be positive and effective, unlike...

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