Saharawi President consoles his Chilean counterpart following plane crash accident

Santiago (Chile) Sept 5, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, expressed Saturday heartfelt condolences to his Chilean counterpart, Mr. Sebastian Piñera, following the tragic crash accident of a plane belonging to the Chilean Armed Forces occurred Friday near the San Fernando Island which left 21 dead. .

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

Union Confederation of Saharawi Workers denounces the repression of its peaceful rallies

El Aaiun (occupied territories), Jan 16, 2012 (SPS) - The Union Confederation of Saharawi Workers (CSTS) denounced Sunday in the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, the brutal repression committed against its members during a peaceful rally in solidarity with Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, in a statement a copy of it reached SPS.The Confederation called for need to release all the Saharawi political prisoners, including those who arrested on the ground of Gdeim Izik camp, calling on the international community to dispatch an international commission of inquiry into the squalid economic, social and political conditions...

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Postponement the trail of Gdeim Izik detainees for indefinite date “unjustified”, says Saharawi organization

Rabat, Jan 14, 2012 (SPS) - The Collective of the Saharawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA) said that the postponement of the trail of Gdeim Izik detainees for indefinite date by Rabat military court “is not justified.”“This military trail is an exceptional judgment, because it prejudices the terms of a fair trial, given that all detainees are civilians, including members of the dialogue committee delegate for Sahrawis exodus in Gdeim Izik camp as well as Saharawi defenders of human rights,” said a communiqué of the Collective of the Saharawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA).The Moroccan authorities have been postponed trails of the Saharawi political...

Dozens Saharawis injured after violent intervention by Moroccan forces in occupied El Aaiun

El Aaiun (occupied territories), Jan 14, 2012 (SPS) - The Saharawi masses, who were observing Friday a peaceful sit-in in the occupied city of El Aaiun to drop the charges fabricated against Gdeim Izik political detainees, has subjected to violent interventions by the Moroccan forces of occupation, leaving dozens injured, informed a source of the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.These brutal interventions left at least Saharawis 40 injured, including 10 serious cases which was speedily transferred to hospital.The Saharawi masses framed by the Gdeim Izik Coordination of Saharawi Marginalized Groups were peacefully protested...

UPyD: Mariano Rajoy called to take firm position on Western Sahara conflict

Madrid, Jan 14, 2012 (SPS) - Union, Progress and Democracy (Spanish acronym: UPyD) has called on the President of the Spanish new government, Mr. Mariano Rajoy, to take “a firm position on the settlement of Western Sahara conflict.”In a communiqué issued Thursday, the Chief of the UPyD’s Foreign Policy, Mr. Fernando Maura, urged the president of the new Spanish government to take a firm position concerning the conflict of Western Sahara, during his forthcoming visit the Kingdom of Morocco.“President of Spanish government must put on table the need for Moroccan Kingdom to comply with the UN resolutions on Western Sahara. On the contrary, Rajoy’s...

domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

State Minister to represent President of Republic in inauguration of Mr. Daniel Ortega

Managua (Nicaragua), Jan 8, 2012 (SPS) - The Member of National Secretariat of the Frente Polisario and State Minister, Mr. Bashir Mustapha Sayed, will represent the President of the Saharawi Republic, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, in the inauguration ceremony of the re-elected Nicaraguan President, Mr. Daniel Ortega, according to the SADR Embassy in Nicaragua.Mr. Ortega, 66 years old, will assume a new five-year term after being reelected in the elections of 6 November. Ortega's inauguration will take place in the Revolution Square on Tuesday, in the old center of Managua, where the National Assembly will be installed.Nicaragua recognized the Saharawi...

Delegation of IWMF visits the Saharawi refugee camps

Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), Jan 8, 2012 (SPS) - The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) is making a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps in order to see the situation of the Saharawi refugees.SPS learned that the delegation consist of four people including the IWMF’s President, Ms. Maria Cruz.It will held meetings with members of the National Secretariat of the Frente Polisario and government, in order to be informed on the status quo of the Saharawi cause and situation of the Saharawi refugees.It will also make field visits to various national institutions and Wilayas including the Ministry of Information, the headquarters of...

IAJUWS calls on international observers to attend the trail of Saharawi prisoners of Gdeim Izik

Madrid, Jan 7, 2011 (SPS) - The International Association of Jurists for Western Sahara (IAJUWS) called Thursday on the international observers and lawyers to travel to Rabat to attend the trial against the Saharawi activists of Gdeim Izik camp, who are currently incarcerated in the Moroccan prison of Salé and to be taken next January 13 to a Moroccan military trail.The Moroccan Military Tribunal proceeded to consider in the charges against 24 young Sahrawi who were arrested following the violent dismantling of Gdeim Izik camp on November 2010 by the Moroccan police and military for...

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