Seeking solutions in line with Security Council resolutions

United Nations Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Christopher said Tuesday that his visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps as part of his news tour to the region "aims at seeking solutions to the Western Sahara issue in line with the Security Council’s resolutions."

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Saharawi political prisoner starts open-ended hunger strike

The Saharawi political prisoner Yahia Mohamed el Hafed Izza has begun on Monday an open-ended hunger strike to drew attention to the arbitrary arrest that targeted him and call for fair trail, said statement of Collective of Saharawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA)। The Sahrawi political prisoner has been jailed at solitary confinement in the Moroccan prison of Ait Melloul since 2008। Yahia Mohamed is protesting harassment and mistreatment carried out against him, demanding his internationally guaranteed rights। Izza , member of Collective of Saharawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA), was arrested on March 01, 2008 following his participation in peaceful protest calling for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination . he has been sentenced to 15 in prison.Font: SPSR...

EP reaffirms right of Sahrawi people to self determination

The European Parliament "EP" on Wednesday ratified the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination "through a democratic referendum in accordance with United Nations resolutions." In its annual report on "Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union", the EP reaffirmed "the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination through a democratic referendum in accordance with the UN resolutions to determine the status of Western Sahara ". the EP urged the Polisario Front and Morocco to resume negotiations "to achieve a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict in Western Sahara"font: SPSR...

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